Find a League
Arlington – Pickleball
Venue | Start Date | When | Type
All Fray Sports are social in nature, however some leagues may vary in skill levels and competitiveness
Bar | Status |
Blue Cypress Park | March 27 | THU7‑10:30pm | Open | Social (Beginner-2.5) |
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Blue Cypress Park | March 27 | THU7‑10:30pm | Open | Intermediate (3.0-3.5) |
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Arlington – Soccer
Venue | Start Date | When | Type
All Fray Sports are social in nature, however some leagues may vary in skill levels and competitiveness
Bar | Status |
Buck Park | March 23 | SUN9:00am‑12:30pm | Open | Social |
In Play
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Arlington – Softball
Venue | Start Date | When | Type
All Fray Sports are social in nature, however some leagues may vary in skill levels and competitiveness
Bar | Status |
Abess Park | March 25 | TUE6:00‑10:30PM | Mixed Gender | Social | MVP's |
In Play
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Abess Park | March 24 | MON6:00‑10:30PM | Mixed Gender | Social | MVP's |
In Play
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Downtown – Soccer
Venue | Start Date | When | Type
All Fray Sports are social in nature, however some leagues may vary in skill levels and competitiveness
Bar | Status |
Ford on Bay | March 29 | SAT9am‑12:30pm | Open | Social | Ruby Beach Brewing |
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Downtown – Volleyball
Venue | Start Date | When | Type
All Fray Sports are social in nature, however some leagues may vary in skill levels and competitiveness
Bar | Status |
Ford on Bay | March 23 | SUN9:00AM‑12:30PM | Mixed Gender | Social (Grass) | Ruby Beach Brewing |
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Jax Beach – Kickball
Venue | Start Date | When | Type
All Fray Sports are social in nature, however some leagues may vary in skill levels and competitiveness
Bar | Status |
Fletcher High School | March 26 | WED7:00‑10:30pm | Mixed Gender | Social | Brix |
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Jax Beach – Volleyball
Venue | Start Date | When | Type
All Fray Sports are social in nature, however some leagues may vary in skill levels and competitiveness
Bar | Status |
Jax Beach Pier | March 27 | THU6:00 ‑ 8:30PM | Mixed Gender | Social | The Brix Taphouse |
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Jax Beach Pier | March 26 | WED6:00 ‑ 8:30PM | Mixed Gender | Competitive | The Brix Taphouse |
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Jax Beach Pier | March 26 | WED6:00‑8:30PM | Mixed Gender | Social | The Brix Taphouse |
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4v4 Jax Beach Pier
March 25 | TUE6:00 ‑ 8:30PM | Mixed Gender | Social | The Brix Taphouse |
In Play
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Murray Hill – Kickball
Venue | Start Date | When | Type
All Fray Sports are social in nature, however some leagues may vary in skill levels and competitiveness
Bar | Status |
Murray Hill Park | March 26 | WED6:30‑10pm | Mixed Gender | Social (Soft Pitching) |
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Murray Hill – Soccer
Venue | Start Date | When | Type
All Fray Sports are social in nature, however some leagues may vary in skill levels and competitiveness
Bar | Status |
Murray Hill Park | March 24 | MON6‑10:30pm | Open | Social |
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Riverside – Cornhole
Venue | Start Date | When | Type
All Fray Sports are social in nature, however some leagues may vary in skill levels and competitiveness
Bar | Status |
New League! Dart Bar - Cornhole
April 21 | MON7:00‑10:00PM | Open | Social | Dart Bar |
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Riverside – Skeeball
Venue | Start Date | When | Type
All Fray Sports are social in nature, however some leagues may vary in skill levels and competitiveness
Bar | Status |
Dart Bar - Skeeball | March 25 | TUE7:00‑9:30PM | Open | Social | Dart Bar |
In Play
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San Marco – Kickball
Venue | Start Date | When | Type
All Fray Sports are social in nature, however some leagues may vary in skill levels and competitiveness
Bar | Status |
San Jose Elementary | June 12 | THU6:30‑10:00pm | Mixed Gender | Social | Tepey's Cerveceria |
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Southside – Bowling
Venue | Start Date | When | Type
All Fray Sports are social in nature, however some leagues may vary in skill levels and competitiveness
Bar | Status |
Bowling Bowlero Southside
March 27 | THU7:00‑9:30PM | Open | Social | Bowlero |
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Southside – Flag Football
Venue | Start Date | When | Type
All Fray Sports are social in nature, however some leagues may vary in skill levels and competitiveness
Bar | Status |
Fort Family Park | March 26 | WED6:30PM‑10:30PM | Men's | Men's 5v5 (Turf) |
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Fort Family Park | March 24 | MON6:30PM‑10:30PM | Mixed Gender | Social (Turf) |
In Play
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Fort Family Park | March 24 | MON6:30PM‑10:30PM | Mixed Gender | INTERMEDIATE (Turf) |
In Play
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Southside – Soccer
Venue | Start Date | When | Type
All Fray Sports are social in nature, however some leagues may vary in skill levels and competitiveness
Bar | Status |
Fort Family Park | March 26 | WED6:30pm‑10:30pm | Open | INTERMEDIATE (Turf) |
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Southside – Softball
Venue | Start Date | When | Type
All Fray Sports are social in nature, however some leagues may vary in skill levels and competitiveness
Bar | Status |
Fort Family Park | March 23 | SUN7:00‑10:00pm | Mixed Gender | Social (Turf) |
In Play
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Southside – Volleyball
Venue | Start Date | When | Type
All Fray Sports are social in nature, however some leagues may vary in skill levels and competitiveness
Bar | Status |
Skyline Volleyball | March 26 | WED7:30‑10:30pm | Mixed Gender | Social (Late Night League) |
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Skyline Volleyball | March 24 | MON7:30‑10:30pm | Mixed Gender | Social (Late Night League) |
In Play
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Springfield – Basketball
Venue | Start Date | When | Type
All Fray Sports are social in nature, however some leagues may vary in skill levels and competitiveness
Bar | Status |
Citi Teen Center | June 11 | WED6:30‑10:30pm | Open | INTERMEDIATE | The Garage |
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Town Center – Basketball
Venue | Start Date | When | Type
All Fray Sports are social in nature, however some leagues may vary in skill levels and competitiveness
Bar | Status |
UNF Field House | March 2 | SUN5:00 ‑ 10:00PM | Open | Competitive | TBD |
In Play
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UNF Field House | March 2 | SUN5:00 ‑ 10:00PM | Open | Social | TBD |
In Play
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Town Center – Cornhole
Venue | Start Date | When | Type
All Fray Sports are social in nature, however some leagues may vary in skill levels and competitiveness
Bar | Status |
Cornhole Boards | March 27 | THU7:00‑9:30PM | Open | Social | Burrito Gallery |
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3 ways to register
As an individual
We'll hook you up with a team
As a group
We'll combine your group with others to form a team
As a team
Create a team and your friends can register to join it
Registration Includes
- A spot on a team, in the sport league of your choice
- 6-8 weeks of games, tomfoolery & a playoff tournament
- Sweet league t-shirt, and season champ trophies
- Access to TONS of exclusives like; events, parties, giveaways, & trips
- A chance to make new friends, and reconnect with old ones
Questions? Ask Erin Gay!
If you need help with registration, give us a shout
Skill Levels, Team Sizes & Roster Management
Skill Levels
We are first and foremost a SOCIAL company. Our bowling leagues are as SOCIAL as it gets! Yea there are some folks who are competitive no matter the game but the overall feel of the league is play hard, party harder!
Team Sizes
Bowling teams average 6 players. There is no gender requirement.
Roster Management
We allow individuals, small groups and teams to all join our leagues. USS reserves the right to add additional players to ANY team that is under the official roster size for the league. During registration captains can pick up free agents or mark their group as ready to merge via commish. After registration closes USS goes through and finalizes rosters by placing free agents, merging groups and deleting unpaid players. Being a promoted team does not mean you may not receive additional players.
Our roster sizes tend to allow for more players as our goal is to avoid forfeits at all costs. 1. They are LAME. and 2. It’s not fair to the other teams in the league who expect to play each week if a smaller team cannot field a team week to week. Free agent teams (merged small groups or all FAs made into teams) tend to have larger rosters as the players typically do not know one another and everyone’s schedule varies week to week.
Bowling Rules
Player Eligibility // Game Play // Golden Rule // Shirt Notice // General Policies
- All Players must be at least 21 years of age and have current, adequate health insurance.
- All players must be properly registered on a team during the season for which they are playing.
- If a player is registered on more than one team within the league, they may only play for one team in the playoffs.
- All players must agree to the Fray Liability Waiver as described in the Fray Terms and Conditions section of Player Registration.
- Any use of an ineligible player will result in a forfeit.
- Each team has 90 minutes to bowl as many games as possible, typically 1-3 games per night. Game times may vary based on a specific location.
- If your bowling is shut off before you finish your current game, existing scores may count as the final ball rolled. For example, if you bowl your first frame as a strike, you cannot assume you will bowl an additional strike, and you will be simply awarded 10 for the actual ball bowled.
- In the event of a significant lane malfunction that costs 5 minutes or more, teams may request additional time at the discretion of the facility.
- Regular Season Games can end in ties. Playoff games will continue until a winner is decided.
// Scoring & Timing
- Team Score: The sum of the top 4 scores from ONE game you choose to submit. You may NOT mix-and-match scores from multiple games.
- Teams may only reset their scores once, which must be during the first 15 minutes of play (unless a scoring malfunction requires a reset). This prevents teams from resetting their scores until they get the best scores possible.
- The Host will announce when time has elapsed and scores can not be reset.
- Team captains are required to report their scores to the league host THAT NIGHT! Your scorecard must be signed by the opposing captain for verification.
- Scores not reported may be counted as 0.
- If scores are found to be altered, that game will result in a forfeit. If this continues, further action may be taken, including removal from the league without a refund.
First and foremost, all Fray leagues are 50% Social and 50% Sport. While we have staff // officials, we expect individuals to respect the league’s fair and fun play culture. Foul language and rough play will not be tolerated. Individuals who cannot adhere to our standards of fair play and sportinglike conduct may be asked to leave the league. We want everyone to have fun and be social while enjoying a great sport. We will do whatever we can to ensure all players are having fun!
During week 2 of the season, all players will be given JAX Fray shirts for their team that must be worn for the duration of the season. Failure to wear the JAX Fray team shirt for a game will result in a player being unable to play in that week’s game. Wearing the designated season’s team shirt will be required during the regular season and playoffs to participate in the game.
Fray is proud to relieve captains of paying for entire teams. We accept individual player payments and allow prepayment for additional players and/or full teams. We are also proud to welcome those who do not have a full team (small groups and free agents) to participate in our league.
Because our mission is to make fun possible, these policies make it easier for people to get involved and build community through social sports.
All registrations are on a first-come, first-serve basis. Any roster that does not reach our official size (based on each sport) can receive free agents and/or small groups. Rosters made up of primarily free agents and/or a collection of small groups may have more players than the standard roster size. This policy is in place to help ensure free agent teams can field a team each week consistently.
// Roster Size Chart
Sport | Promotion Size | Official Size | Max Roster Size | Women Minimum |
Bowling | 4 | 5 | 6 | NA |
// Teams & Substitutions
- A maximum of 6 players can bowl on a lane at a time. Teams must have the required minimum of 4 players to start the game
- Each player present must participate in at least one game. If a bowler comes late, they may join in for the current game or wait and join in the next one.
- Bowlers on the roster who are not present for league night must be skipped on the bowling console. Substitutes may not bowl for missing teammates, and players may not bowl under two names.
- For example, Player 3 is up to bowl; however, they are at the concession stand, the team must wait for them to return. You may not skip a bowler or bowl for a player that is not present.
- If a “substitute” was bowling for a missing bowler or a teammate was bowling under multiple names, the team may be required to forfeit that game or take a zero as one of the counted team scores at the league host’s discretion.
- Substitute players (not on the roster) may be used at any time in the regular season. Substitutes are not permitted during playoffs.
- All substitutes must be registered players on another team and/or in another Fray league currently in play.
- Teams may use additional substitute players above the player minimum with the opposing team’s consent. Teams who agree to play under these conditions must notify the Host before the start of the game, and the outcome will stand as is.
- Teams have until 10 minutes past the designated start time to field the minimum number of players. The 10-minute grace period is considered part of the overall game time. The game will be deemed a forfeit if a team cannot reach the minimum number of players.
- Teams may play a “legal game” with less than the required minimum number of players with the opposing team’s consent. Teams who agree to play under these conditions will lose the option of receiving a forfeit win, and the outcome of the game will stand as is. Teams must notify the Host before the start of the game.
- Teams must designate a captain before the start of the game. Team captains are responsible for signing and submitting scorecards each night.
// Equipment, Uniforms & Facility Use
- All equipment will be provided on-site! Make sure to give yourself enough time to get bowling shoes and your favorite bowling ball before the start of your game.
- Players should make every effort to wear the official Fray division shirt.
- If an individual or team violates the facility’s Code of Conduct, they may be asked to leave, and a refund will not be issued.
// Playoffs & Standings
- Playoffs are determined after the regular season has concluded based on scheduling and other league logistics. Playoffs are not guaranteed.
- Teams will be seeded for playoffs based on standings and their game will be against the team seeded closest from 1 vs 2 on down. While only the top 2 seeded teams are competing for the championship, all teams will be scheduled for playoff games.
- Standings are sorted based on the teams’ Win-Loss-Tie record. If there is a tie in the standings, we sort based on the following information in order until the tie is resolved:
- Head-to-head matchups
- Score differential
- Points For
- Points Against
- Coin Flip
// Forfeits
- Teams have until 10 minutes past the designated start time to field the minimum number of players. If they cannot do so, the game will be deemed a forfeit.
- First Forfeit – Loss of game and warning issued
- Second Forfeit – Loss of game, and Fray reserves the right to remove the team from the playoffs
- Third Forfeit – Loss of game and removal from the league with no refund
- In the case of a forfeit, the final score is recorded as 400-0.
// Weather Cancellations
- One week is built into the end of each season
- All players will be notified via email if games are canceled
- If more than one weather cancellation occurs, Fray will try to find another week to make up the games, but it is not guaranteed.
- Should inclement weather or other factors limit the normal scheduled game duration and at least one full game has been completed, the game shall count as the full game, and scores will be reported as is.
Bowling FAQ's
JAX Fray understands that for most people joining a sports team is about hanging out with your friends, having a good time and meeting some new people. We strive to keep the games fair and stress free so you can do just that… socialize and have a good time!
Category: General
You simply show up at the courts/fields/bar for your scheduled games, you and your teammates play your opponents for about 30-60 minutes and then everyone heads on over to the nearby sponsor bar for food, drinks, and partying! It’s a ridiculously easy formula that’s seriously fun!
Times: Depending on the location and day, weekday games are played between 6:00 and 11:30 pm. Weekend games can be anytime during the day or evening. Please check your specific league page for more details.
Category: General
All players must be at least 21. Why? Because playing your game is only a small part of it. A large part of the fun happens at the bars after the games are done! Most players are between 23 and 31 years old and 60% are female.
Category: General
JAX Fray operates a lot like the sports leagues of your youth. Our goal is to connect people socially and to play more often! Our leagues are 6-8 weeks long with a final championship tournament and sponsor bars to enjoy JAX Fray exclusive deals before and after games. We also host one time events as well. From softball, to league parties, to scavenger hunts, JAX Fray organizes the events so all you have to do is show up and have fun!
Category: General
Since the beginning, JAX Fray has always been more about meeting people, playing a fun game and socializing afterward at the bar. A few players are naturally more competitive than others but don’t worry, 95% of JAX Fray is NOT competitive.
As we grow we will begin to offer divisions for different skill levels for select sports BUT every league we offer is inherently SOCIAL, in that we are all out there to have a good time and meet new people!
Category: General
Registration dues vary by location, night and sport. JAX Fray strives to keep dues low while still providing a quality experience for our members. Select the league you are interested in joining and you will see the current pricing for that league. This fee covers insurance, field permits, equipment, player t-shirts, parties, prizes, recruiting, staffing at every league and the tons of other JAX Fray events that we will be hosting throughout the year. You definitely get your money’s worth!
Each league typically gets at least a 6 game regular season, tomfoolery, and league-wide parties where you’ll get to meet literally hundreds and hundreds of other players. You’ll also have access to all our other league-related events, shindigs, and parties throughout the year.
*Please note, JAX Fray does not issue refunds.*
Category: General
JAX Fray has a no refund policy. Often our rosters have limited space and last minute cancellations hinder our ability to properly plan and organize the season and our leagues as well as the costs that have already been incurred by the league.
If you are unable to participate after completing the registration process, contact our Customer Experience team at [email protected] to see what options are available for you.
Category: General
To register, select your desired sport, day and location (as long as registration is still open and available). Make sure to read through the season info before signing up (dates,location,etc). Click through the links and you will be guided through the process. If you have any questions email us at [email protected]
Category: General
Absolutely! The majority of JAX Fray players sign up as independents or in smaller groups. Once registration for a division is closed, we merge all free agents and small groups into bigger teams, as space is available. Right off the bat, you’ll get to meet new people from your team alone, not to mention all the other players from the other teams as the season plays out!
JAX Fray is the EASIEST way to meet people and make new friends!
Category: General
Your ringleader simply forms a new group during the registration process. Once they’re registered, everyone then registers under that group / team. Easy Peasy! Doesn’t matter how small your group is, we’ll keep your buddies together when we merge and finalize teams after registration is closed. Start telling your buddies to sign up now!
*JAX Fray reserves the right to put independent players on your group / team.*
Category: General
- If you would like to prepay for other players or for an entire team you have the option to do so when registering! First and foremost, you need to choose your destiny (Individual, Join an Existing Group, or Start a new Group).No matter which option you select, you will then see the option to Prepay for Others. Simply enter the number of additional people you are paying for, create a prepaid code and your total cost should update next to the box. Provide your created prepaid code to your players to use when they go to register for the season to mark their registration as paid.
- Some of our divisions now offer an option to prepay for a full team! When you are creating a team/group you can select to “Prepay for a Team” just under the prepay for others option. The total for payment should be reflected on the right-hand side of the screen. Complete the rest of the registration prompts and proceed to the payment screen. When you pay for a full team you are paying for a team spot in the league and a specific number of roster spots. Your teammates still need to register for the season and apply your prepaid code! If you would like additional players you can add additional roster spots at the time of checkout or after the purchase.
- If you have a corporate company team or want to bring a very large group of rotating players, please fill out the form here to talk about corporate packages!
Category: General
Yes, we do offer the option to pay as a team. Since our registration is individually based, the team rate is based on our roster table for an official roster size X the registration cost. For steps on how to pay for a team during the registration process please check the “Can I Pay for my Friends” FAQ.
Every player must be a registered member on the roster. We do not allow subs/walk-ups/whomever to play with us without being a registered JAX Fray player. Certain leagues CAN use subs as long as that person is registered in the same season.
*Are you a Corporate or other special group? Please fill out the form here for special group packages.*
Category: General
First… are you sure you don’t know them or that they aren’t a friend of a friend? Once you’ve checked there it likely means free agents or another small group has been merged onto your team. When groups do not reach full team size we merge groups and free agents together to fill out rosters.
Category: General
Lots of people join JAX Fray for different reasons and sometimes you may find yourself on a team that you just don’t mesh with. No worries, shoot us an email at [email protected] and we will find you a new home!
Category: General
- First Offense: Loss of game.
- Second Offense: Loss of game and staff reserves the right to remove team from playoffs.
- Third Offense: Potential Removal from the league, at the discretion of league commissioners.
- Any team that forfeits more than once also forfeits any guarantee or right to a certain number of guaranteed games.
- If you know in advance that your team is going to forfeit a game, we encourage you to let us know prior by emailing [email protected] so as to help us notify your opponent.
- Teams have until ten minutes past the designated start time to field a full squad (minimum numbers of players required to play according to the rules). Refer to rules regarding gender policies(batting ratios, female designated football plays, etc). Anything less then the minimum must be approved by the staff and opposing team.
Category: General
- We make the final call a few hours before the games the day of, but for the most part, we usually play through a light drizzle. At permitted locations that call to cancel is made by the operating DPR. We usually build one or more weeks of make up days in case of weather. If a league has multiple cancellations game MAY NOT be able to be made up.
- Unsure if your game is a go for the night? Be sure to do the following:
- Keep an eye on your email and texts for a weather postponement email (inbox, junk and spam folders)
- Download the United Fray App to stay in the know!
Category: General
Absolutely! We use commish and Stripe as our processor. Simply follow the prompts at the end of your registration to pay with your debit or credit card.
Category: General