Radar: To Do in JAX 12.1-12.4

We’re committed to a weekend that is holidazed but not confused. Make your sweaters ugly or gingerbread houses pretty. Sip some sour cider or head to a sweet Christmas Town. Whatever your tastes are, we’re here to guide you on your journey. Note: Most descriptions courtesy of event hosts and edited for clarity.
Christmas Ravioli and Beer at Jax Craft Beer
Come and learn how to make your own Christmas ravioli from scratch with two different sauces and pair it with four different beers. We will guide you through the techniques of pasta making using all imported Italian products. What’s included: two-hour cooking class, recipes, educational material, four tasting size beers, and dinner. $74.99; 6:30-8:30 p.m. 9825 San Jose Blvd. #18, Jacksonville, FL; jaxcraftbeer.com // @jaxcraftbeer
Karaoke + Game Night + Ugly Sweaters + Pretty Voices at The Cookbook
Karaoke + Game Night is the staple event for the first Thursday each and every month at Culture Lounge Jacksonville, the Thursday night happy hour held at The Cookbook Restaurant in the Historic Springfield Neighborhood. But this time we need to see those ugly sweaters to match up with those pretty* voices. (*Disclaimer… if your voice ain’t pretty but you have some audacity still come sang!) $10 (BYOB); 7-11 p.m. 1827 N Pearl St. Jacksonville, FL; @onlyatthbook
“The Little Town of Christmas” at Orange Park Community Theatre
Everybody in “The Little Town of Christmas” is friendly and funny, and you’ll meet them all. Skeezix and Sylvester are an elf comedy team; Dancer, the reindeer, has a whacky sense of humor; Mrs. Claus is the real boss of the outfit, and the street corner Santa is tested and almost bested by one tough little kid with a sticky sucker. Included are old favorites such as “‘Twas the Night Before Christmas” and “A Christmas Carol,” aimed right for the funny bone, of course. Throw in wandering carolers who cough and sneeze on cue, kids trying their best to be wise men in the Christmas play, and a riotous lecture on Christmas etiquette, and you’re in for an evening of holiday laughter and warmth. $10-$15; 7:30 p.m. (Friday). 2900 Moody Ave. Orange Park, FL; opct.info/ // @opctheatre
12.2 -12.4
Vintage Market Days at Clay County Fairgrounds
Come visit our 120+ vendors showcasing vintage, vintage-inspired, furniture, home decor, boutique clothing, art, handmade treasures, jewelry, children’s, garden and so much more. Food trucks and music too. A shopping experience you won’t want to miss with music, food trucks and an opportunity to shop locally with many of our vendors from the region. Tix $15 (Friday), $10 (Saturday/Sunday w/ reentry), $5 (Sunday); 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (Friday); 2497 SR 16 Green Cove Springs, FL; claycountygov.com // @claycofl
Jacksonville Record & CD Festival at Adam Herbert Center
This premier music collectors show returns to the campus of the University of North Florida, at the Adam Herbert University Center. Find vinyl records, CDs, cassette tapes, stereo gear, instruments, storage supplies, memorabilia, t-shirts, posters and almost anything related to the music you love. With 25 vendors bringing the best music merchandise, this event will be a treasure trove of musical goodness. Find classic, iconic vinyl, rare and out-of-print records as well as CDs, tapes, 45s, posters, autographs, as well as the most beloved albums of all time, be it rock n roll, punk, R&B, heavy metal, indie, country, folk, hip hop, comedy, soul, big band, almost any genre you can think of. Don’t miss free vinyl giveaways. Show off your big brain in our trivia contest. Free. 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. 12000 Alumni Dr. Jacksonville, FL; unf.edu/universitycenter
Barrel Aged Sour & Cider Fest at Intuition Ale Works
Join us for a celebration of Florida craft beer at the Annual FBG Barrel-Aged, Sour & Cider Fest. Sample delicious barrel-aged and sour beers — and ciders — hand-crafted by some of Florida’s best brewers while raising money for the Florida Brewers Guild, the nonprofit trade association committed to preserving the rights of craft brewers throughout the state. $35-$50. 2-5 p.m. 929 E Bay St. Jacksonville, FL; intuitionaleworks.com // @intuition_ale_works
“Into the Woods JR.” at Greenlight Theatre Company
“Into the Woods JR.” features all of your favorite characters — Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Jack (and his beanstalk) and the Witch — in this lyrically rich retelling of classic Brothers Grimm fables. $20; 1:00 p.m. 106 N 6th St. Jacksonville Beach, FL; greenlighttheatreco.com/ // @greenlighttheatreco_jax
Gingerbread House Decorating at Publix Aprons Cooking School
It’s time to turn a gingerbread house into a gingerbread home! This class allows you and up to 3 children to decorate your own gingerbread house (1 house per table). One adult is required for each family group; children should be at least 4 years old. We’ll provide the materials, you bring your creativity and holiday spirit. $75. Multiple times. 10500 San Jose Blvd. Jacksonville, FL; apronscookingschool.publix.com
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