Golden Rule

First and foremost all JAX Fray leagues are 50% Social and 50% Sport. We do have officials; however, we expect individuals to respect the league’s culture of fair and fun play. Foul language and rough play will not be tolerated and individuals who cannot adhere to our standards of fair play and sportsmanship may be asked to leave the league. JAX Fray wants everyone to have a fun and be social while enjoying a great sport. JAX Fray will do whatever they can to make sure all players are having fun.


JAX Fray is proud to relieve captains of the burden of paying for full teams. While captains and players are able to prepay for additional players and or full teams, it is not a requirement for participation in our leagues. We welcome individual player payments.

We are also proud to welcome those who do not have a full team (small groups and free agents) to participate in our league.

Our primary mission is to make it easier for people to have fun and get involved with social sports and these policies help accomplish that goal.

Because of these policies, all registrations are on a first come first serve basis and any roster that does not reach our standard size (based on each sport) is eligible to receive free agents and or small group by the league. Rosters made up of primarily free agents and or a collection of small groups may field more players than the standard roster size. This policy is in place to help ensure free agent teams are able to consistently field teams each week.

1. Each Team must consist of a minimum of 16 Players and a maximum of 30 Players.

2. Each Team may have a maximum of 11 players on the field.

A. Teams are expected to field a minimum of 3 men and 3 women in the field while on defense. If a Team is only able to field 2 men/women in the field, that Team may only field a maximum of 6 of the opposite gender.

B. Teams who do not meet the minimum team requirements will be given 15 minutes to assemble the necessary roster. As soon as both teams have the expected minimum, per the eligibility guidelines, the game will start. Failure to meet the team requirement within 15 minutes will result in a forfeit.

That 15 minute grace period is taken out of that game’s playing time and the game is still limited to its original time length.

3. Each Team must have a minimum of 6 men and 6 women on their roster.

4. Teams must designate a Captain and Co-Captain prior to the start of the game. These are the only Team members allowed to argue all calls

A. NO PLAYER, including the Captain and Co-Captain, may verbally abuse or argue in an unsportsmanlike manner to any Referee. Such action is grounds for immediate ejection and possible suspension or expulsion from the Division if the Host or JAX Fray staff deems it appropriate.

5. Team Captains are required to provide their teams kicking order to the opposing Team upon request. Once a game has started, the lineup cannot be changed except for injury or illness. Eligible Players may be added to the end of the kicking lineup if arriving to the game late.

6. Any use of ineligible players will result in a Team forfeit.

7. If a player kicks out of roster order that player is out.

8. During the regular season, any registered JAX Fray player for that division may serve as a sub for a team under the minimum team requirement.

9. During the playoffs, teams may not use subs and may only use players on their roster.

10. Playoff Eligibility: teams that notch 2 or more forfeits during the regular season will not be eligible for the playoffs.

Here is the roster size chart for JAX Fray Kickball. And click here for a list of all sports and their roster size policies.

Sport Roster Promotion Size Official Roster Size FA Roster Size MAX Roster Size Female Minimum
Kickball 16 24 26 30 3

The Field

1. The field will consist of a diamond of equal sides, with bases being placed 60 ft. apart.

2. The pitching strip will be placed in the center of the diamond directly in line with 1st-3rd base and home-2nd base, or 42.42 ft.

3. To prevent collisions, there will be a double base at 1st base with 1 base being in fair territory and 1 base being in foul territory. The base in fair territory is for the fielder and runner already on 1st base. The base in foul territory is for the kicker to run to.

4. Alcohol is not permitted on or near the field. Any player bringing alcohol to the field will face severe penalties up to and including suspension or expulsion from the Division. In addition, the player’s team will immediately forfeit that week’s game(s). This violation may also result in a team facing suspension or expulsion from the Division if the Host or staff deems it appropriate.


1. All equipment will be provided by JAX Fray and will consist of bases, cones, 10′ playground balls, pumps, field measurement aid, score sheets, and a strike/ball counter.

2. All Player participants must wear the official JAX Fray Division shirt in order to play.

3. Any Player names or nicknames being placed on the jerseys may not be obscene or overtly sexual, nor may they contain any offensive language–If you are unsure, pick another nickname.

A. Should a player be found to be in violation of the equipment guidelines they will be subject to suspension and/or possible expulsion from the league.

4. Metal cleats are not allowed.

5. Players may wear any protective gear as deemed acceptable by the Head Referee.

Player Eligibility & Participation

1. All Players must be 21 and have current adequate health insurance.

2. All Players must be properly registered on a team within the Division for which they are playing, and may only play for the team they are registered for unless subbing for another team per the eligibility guidelines.

3. All Players must agree to the JAX Fray Liability Waiver as described in the JAX Fray Terms and Conditions section of Player Registration.


1. All WEEKDAY Games will consist of 5 innings or 45 minutes from the scheduled start time, whichever comes first, and 3 outs per inning for each team’s kicking order.

2. All WEEKEND Games will consist of 6 innings or 50 minutes from the scheduled start time, whichever comes first, and 3 outs per inning for each team’s kicking order.

3. Regular Season Games can end in ties. Tournament games will play a full 5 or 6 innings (depending on the day), and will continue until a winner is decided.

4. A Regular Season Game is considered official if it remains tied after 3 full innings of play, or until the Team behind in score has had their chance to kick in the 3rd inning.

A. Games that fail to meet the above criteria will be completed at a later date with the score reverting to what it was at the end of the last complete inning.

5. Games will not be postponed due to rain unless the fields are closed or deemed unplayable by the Division Host and/or JAX Fray Staff. If lightning is visible, Games will be immediately postponed, and all Players must clear the field.

6. Home and Away teams will be determined by the ancient game of Rock,Paper,Scissors before the game between each team’s captain. Best 1 out of 1 on SHOOT! The Home team shall be on the field first.

7. Forfeited games shall have the final score recorded as 6-0.


1. JAX Fray will provide one Host or head referee who is on site to settle disputes and is the final word for on any call for each Regular Season Division Game.

A. Each Team will be required to provide 2 Referees each for the game immediately before or immediately after their team’s game.

B. Teams failing to provide Referees will receive a Forfeit. While base referees are responsible for assisting with any and all calls, final rulings are made by the Head Referee.

2. Issuing ejections for unsportsmanlike behavior is at the discretion of the Host.

3. Teams shall designate 1 person to keep a score sheet to record game stats. This sheet will be turned into the Head Referee or Division Referee upon completion of the game.


1. A count of 3 Strikes.

2. A count of 3 Fouls.

3. Any pitched ball contacting the Kicker (whether kicked or not) and caught in the air prior to touching the ground.

4. Any time during a live play where the ball makes contact with a Baserunner while not on base or has not yet reached the base s/he is being forced to.

A. If any part of a thrown ball makes contact with the Baserunner’s head while the Baserunner is not diving, sliding, or ducking, the Baserunner shall be awarded the base to which s/he was running).

5. Any time a Fielder has control of the ball and touches a base to which a Baserunner is forced to advance prior to the Baserunner reaching the base.

6. Baserunners intentionally running more than 4 feet outside the baseline with the intent to avoid a tag or throw.

7. Baserunners interfering with a fielder making an active play on the ball.

8. Any Baserunner not on base when the ball is kicked.

9. Any Baserunner who passes another Baserunner.

10. Any Baserunner who is physically assisted by any team member.

11. Any attempt to make contact with a kicked ball outside of the Catcher’s zone fair or foul.


1. A Pitcher may start his delivery anywhere on the infield, but must deliver the pitch within the Pitcher’s Circle and behind the 1st base/3rd base line.

2. The pitchers mound extends in a 12ft. radius from the pitching strip

3. Pitchers must throw the ball by hand in an underhanded manner. Overhand and side arm pitching are NOT allowed.

4. A pitched ball must touch the ground at least once prior to reaching the plate.


1. The Strike Zone is 41 inches wide (1 foot to either side of home plate) and approximately 1 foot high. If any part of the ball touches any part of the strike zone, it shall be ruled a strike, however, the ball may not bounce more than 1 foot high, as measured from the bottom of the ball, at any time during the bounce that carries the ball through the strike zone

2. Any attempted bunt or kick that does not make contact with the ball.


1. Any pitch that is not a strike or foul.

2. A Pitcher may intentionally walk a kicker by announcing his intention to the Head Referee before throwing any pitches. A Pitcher is not required to throw any pitches to intentionally walk a kicker.


1. Any punt or kick that lands in foul territory outside of the Catcher’s Zone.

2. Any kick during which the kicker steps in front of the Home Plate.

3. Double Kicks (anytime the kicker contacts the ball 2 or more times during an attempted kick).

4. Any kick that does not occur below the knee.

5. Any time a kicker makes contact with a pitched ball (intending to kick or not) before the ball has traveled past the kicker.


1. Teams must have 1 and only 1 catcher while on defense.

2. Catchers must stand behind the kicker and within the Catching Zone

3. Catchers may not cross in front of the kicker nor be positioned outside the Catcher’s Zone until the ball is kicked.

4. If the Catcher impedes the kicker intentionally or unintentionally, the kicker will be awarded 1st base, and any runners may advance if they are forced to.

A. If in the Head Referee’s opinion, the kicker makes an unnatural move and initiates contact in an attempt to draw a Catcher Interference call, the kicker shall be called out.


1. All fielders with the exception of Catcher must be positioned in fair territory.

2. No fielder may cross the 1st base/3rd base line until the ball is kicked.

3. Fielders may not stand within the baseline unless making an active play on the ball. Interference with a Baserunner results in the runner being awarded the base he/she was running to.


1. Pitcher’s Encroachment occurs when a pitcher crosses the 1st base/3rd base line before the ball is kicked. In this event, the Kicking Team shall have the option of taking the result of the play or taking a ball in the count.

2. Catcher’s Encroachment occurs when the catcher crosses in front of the kicker or is positioned outside the Catcher’s Zone, prior to the ball being kicked. In this event, the Kicking Team shall have the option of taking the result of the play or taking a ball in the count.

3. Fielder’s Encroachment occurs when any non-pitcher crosses the 1st base/3rd base line before the ball is kicked. In this event, the Kicking Team shall have the option of taking the result of the play or taking a ball in the count.


1. All kicks must be made by foot or by leg below the knee.

2. All kicks must occur at or behind home plate. No part of the kicker’s plant foot may be in front of the plate.

3. Double Kicks are when a kicker contacts the ball 2 or more times during an attempt to kick the ball.

4. Teams must kick in their written kicking order. Kicking out of order results in an out for the spot in the order that was due up according to the written lineup. The kicking lineup will continue to the next spot in the lineup.


1. Base-runners may not intentionally run more than 4 feet outside of the baseline to avoid a tag or throw.

2. Base-runners have the right-of-way within the baseline except that a Fielder has the right to make a play on any ball in play, including within the baseline.

A. In rare circumstances, a Base-runner and Fielder in the act of making a play on the ball may collide due to Base-runner/Fielder movement. It is up to the discretion of the Head Referee whether to call the Base-runner out for interference or declare the contact as incidental and allow the play to stand.

3. Base-runners may overrun the 1st base, however, if they turn toward the 2nd base as if attempting to advance, they are in play and may be tagged out.

4. Base-runners may be substituted by players of the same gender, but only if the runner is injured during the play. The injured player must then sit out of the game for 2 innings. If their spot in the kicking order comes up, their spot is skipped.

5. In order to advance on caught fly ball, Base-runners must ‘tag-up’ on their original base at or subsequent to the fielder’s first contact with the ball. Failure to tag-up allows the defense to make an out by either tagging the runner with the ball before he/she returns to their original base or by a fielder in control of the ball touching the original base before the runner returns to it.

A. Failure to tag up is not an automatic out, but must be recognized by the defense and a play made on the runner or original base.

6. If a Base-runner passes another Base-runner, the passing runner is out.

7. If a Base-runner is assisted by any other team member, the runner is out.

8. Once the Pitcher has the ball in the Pitcher’s Circle, all Base-runners must stop at the base they are running toward unless the Pitcher subsequent to receiving the ball attempts to make a play on a runner.


1. An Overthrow is considered any attempt at a base or Base-runner that misses its intended target and goes into foul territory.

A. An Overthrow allows a Base-runner to advance up to 1 base beyond the base they were running toward when the ball traveled into foul territory.

B. If the defense attempts to make a play on the Base-runner while advancing after an overthrow, all Base-runners may attempt to advance as many bases as they choose. It is up to the Head Referee’s discretion as to what constitutes the defense ‘making a play’ on the runner.

C. If a ball is thrown at a Base-runner and contacts that runner while not on base and deflects into foul territory, the runner is out and the ball is live. All other Base-runners may attempt to advance as many bases as they choose.

Dead Ball Plays

1. If a Base-runner intentionally touches the ball, the runner is out, the play is dead, and any other Base-runners must return to the base they were on at the beginning of the play.

2. If a fair ball becomes trapped in any object, or a Fielder faces an impediment in getting to the ball, the runner shall be awarded a ground-rule double, and all other Base-runners may advance 2 bases beyond the base they began the play on.

A. In obvious cases, the Head Referee has the discretion to award the Kicker and Base-runners whatever base s/he realistically believed they would have reached had there not been an obstruction.

B. If a ball goes over a permanent fence that is aligned in fair territory on the fly, the kicker shall be awarded an automatic Home Run.

C. Any play where a potentially serious injury occurs, play will be stopped by the Head Referee immediately.


1. A legally kicked ball that lands in fair territory or in the Catcher’s Zone in front of the kicker and remains in fair territory until it passes the 1st base or 3rd base cone or completely stops in fair territory.

B. A legally kicked ball that lands in fair territory beyond the 1st base or 3rd base.

C. A legally kicked ball that lands in fair territory or in the Catcher’s Zone, and touches or is touched by a Fielder or Baserunner in fair territory prior to the ball traveling into foul territory.

D. A legally kicked fly ball that is in fair territory when it is touched by a Fielder or Baserunner.


A. Any illegally kicked ball (See KICKING).

B. Any legally kicked ball that lands in foul territory outside the Catcher’s Zone.

C. Any legally kicked ball that travels into foul territory outside the Catcher’s Zone on its own prior to reaching the 1st base or 3rd base cone.

D. Any legally kicked ball that is still inside the Catcher’s Zone when it is touched by a Fielder.

E. Any legally kicked ball that travels into foul territory in the air and the defense is unable to make a play on (i.e. catch in the air).


JAX Fray Kickball is a sport, just like any other, and at times, people will get heated during competition. This is expected and understood. However, abusive treatment to referees, other players, or spectators will not be tolerated.

A player may be ejected from the game or the league if they show extreme unsportsmanlike conduct and/or douchebaggery.

Category: Rules

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