Golden Rule

First and foremost all JAX Fray leagues are 50% Social and 50% Sport. We do have officials; however, we expect individuals to respect the league’s culture of fair and fun play. Foul language and rough play will not be tolerated and individuals who cannot adhere to our standards of fair play and sportsmanship may be asked to leave the league. JAX Fray wants everyone to have a fun and be social while enjoying a great sport. JAX Fray will do whatever they can to make sure all players are having fun.


JAX Fray is proud to relieve captains of the burden of paying for full teams. While captains and players are able to prepay for additional players and or full teams, it is not a requirement for participation in our leagues. We welcome individual player payments.

We are also proud to welcome those who do not have a full team (small groups and free agents) to participate in our league.

Our primary mission is to make it easier for people to have fun and get involved with social sports and these policies help accomplish that goal.

Because of these policies, all registrations are on a first come first serve basis and any roster that does not reach our standard size (based on each sport) is eligible to receive free agents and or small group by the league. Rosters made up of primarily free agents and or a collection of small groups may field more players than the standard roster size. This policy is in place to help ensure free agent teams are able to consistently field teams each week.

GLOW Rules

Any rule or situation not expressly defined here will default to our usual JAX Fray Kickball rules. At the end of the day, these calls will be made by the head ref. Whatever their call is, it stands, so don’t be a “rule nazi”.

Since Glow Kickball will be played in the DARK, the typical JAX Fray Kickball rules will be changed to put more of an emphasis on FUN and SAFETY. This will NOT be a competitive league and we encourage all of our players to look out for each other, including those on the opposing team.

1. There are 5 innings

2. Games CAN end in a tie (it happens)

3. There are 11 players max in the field (minimum of 6 – 3 guys, 3 girls)

4. All pitches MUST be thrown underhand and at a “reasonable” speed. Reasonable is obviously subjective but if you have to question it, then it’s probably too fast. This is a SOCIAL laid-back league that plays in the DARK, so fast lightening pitches are NOT allowed.

5. Strike zone is a foot on either side of the plate (yup, it’s a big strike zone)

6. Strikes are SEPARATE counts from fouls

7. 2 strikes is an out

8. 2 fouls is an out

9. 2 balls is a walk

10. Walking or running up to kick the ball is NOT allowed. You must begin and end in a stationary spot behind home plate to kick the ball. Additionally, full kicks are NOT allowed. We field tested over a dozen glow-in-the-dark balls and will be using a soccer ball which kickers can kick over 50 yards. We are playing in the dark and do NOT want the balls flying far distances – this can lead to injury for kickers, fielders and any by-standers. Remember, we are playing in the DARK.

11. Bunting is NOT allowed

12. Fielders must throw the ball with BOTH hands. The ball we’ll be playing with is smaller and harder than the normal kickball. We don’t want fielders winding and blasting the balls at players in the dark. This is to protect both runners AND your fellow fielders. Runners don’t want to get blasted with a soccer ball and your other fielders don’t want to catch a speeding ball in the dark. Balls can still be thrown at base runners to get them out, but again, the ball must be thrown with both hands and PLEASE be mindful not to blast the balls.

13. There is no leading off bases or stealing.

That’s it!  But also, never forget the most important rule of JAX Fray! 🙂

Rule #0: DON’T BE A D-BAG!

The first and foremost rule of the game is to have FUN. If you are hoping to recapture your athletic glories from the past, this is NOT the kickball league for you. JAX Fray is all about playing a silly kid’s game, having fun and meeting new people. Absolutely no whining will be tolerated during the course of a game. The only players allowed to communicate with the referees are the captain and co-captain. Any abuse (verbal or otherwise) of the referees or other players will constitute an immediate ejection from the game. Repeated offenders will be banned from the league. No exceptions. Have FUN and be SAFE out there in the dark and be NICE to your fellow players!


JAX Fray Glow Kickball is a sport, just like any other, and at times people will get heated during competition. This is expected and understood. However, abusive treatment to referees, other players, or spectators will not be tolerated.

A player may be ejected from the game or the league if they show extreme unsportsmanlike conduct and/or douchebaggery.

Category: Rules

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