Download Rules HERE
- All Players must be at least 21 years of age and have current, adequate health insurance.
- All players must be properly registered on a team during the season for which they are playing.
- If a player is registered on more than one team within the league, they may only play for one team in the playoffs.
- All players must agree to the Fray Liability Waiver as described in the Fray Terms and Conditions section of Player Registration.
- Any use of an ineligible player will result in a forfeit.
- Games will be played through at least 3 innings or up to a time limit, whichever comes first. Game times may vary based on a specific location.
- 5 innings or 45 minutes with no new inning once 40 minutes has elapsed
- Home and Away teams will be determined by the ancient game of Rock, Paper, Scissors before the game between each team’s captain. Best 1 out of 1 on SHOOT! The Home team will be in the field first.
- Regular Season Games can end in a tie. Playoff games will continue until a winner is decided.
- Semi-final and Championship games will play the full inning amount as time allows.
// Outs
- Strike Out
- Strike Out: A count of 3 Strikes OR 3 Fouls.
- Strikes and fouls are counted separately.
- Fielded Out
- Any pitched ball contacting the Kicker and caught in the air prior to touching the ground.
- Any time during a live play where the ball makes contact with a Baserunner while not on base.
- If any part of a thrown ball makes contact with the baserunner above their shoulders, the baserunner shall be awarded the base to which they were running.
- Any time a Fielder has control of the ball and touches a base to which a Baserunner is forced prior to the Baserunner reaching the base.
- Baserunning Out
- Baserunner running more than 4 feet outside the baseline.
- Baserunner intentionally interfering with a fielder making an active play on the ball.
- Baserunner not on base when the ball is kicked.
- Baserunner who passes another Baserunner.
- Baserunner who is physically assisted by any team member/base coaches
- Alternate: Baserunner who is not advancing past first base and fails to use the safety base
// Kicking
- All kicks must be made by foot or by leg below the knee.
- Bunting: Bunting is allowed however, if the ball does not travel past the line of encroachment, it will be deemed a foul, unless the ball is played before crossing the threshold.
- All kicks must occur at or behind home plate. The kicker’s plant foot may not fully pass the strike zone line and/or be in front of the plate.
- Double Kicks are when a kicker contacts the ball 2 or more times during an attempt to kick the ball. This results in a foul ball.
- Teams must kick in their written kicking order. Kicking out of order results in an out for the spot in the order that was due up according to the written lineup. The kicking lineup will continue to the next spot in the lineup.
// Fair Ball
- A legally kicked ball lands in fair territory or in the Catcher’s Zone in front of the kicker and remains in fair territory until it passes the 1st base or 3rd base cone or completely stops in fair territory.
- A legally kicked or bunted ball that does not reach the line of encroachment that is put into play by a fielder is considered a fair ball.
- A legally kicked ball that lands in fair territory beyond the 1st base or 3rd base.
- A legally kicked ball that lands in fair territory or in the Catcher’s Zone, and touches or is touched by a Fielder or Baserunner in fair territory prior to the ball traveling into foul territory.
- A legally kicked fly ball that is in fair territory when it is touched by a Fielder or Baserunner.
- A legally kicked fly ball that is caught in foul territory by a Fielder
// Strikes
- The Strike Zone is 41 inches wide (1 foot to either side of home plate) and approximately 1 foot high as measured from the bottom of the ball to home plate.
- There will be a cone placed on each side of the plate to mark the strike zone. The inside edge of each cone is considered the edge of the strike zone.
- If the Center of the ball, is inside of the strike cone edge, it is considered a strike.
- If the Center of the ball is over the top of the strike cone at all, it is considered a ball.
- Any attempted bunt or kick that does not make contact with the ball (swing and a miss).
// Balls
A pitch may be called a BALL only if
- the middle of the ball hits or bounces over any part of the strike zone cone
- the ball is completely outside of the strike zone cones
- the ball only bounces once before the strike zone
- the ball is above 1 foot high at the time it crosses the strike zone line
- Four (4) balls is a walk.
- Any time a Catcher makes contact with a pitched ball before the ball has traveled past the Kicker whether or not the Kicker was intending to kick it.
- A Pitcher may intentionally walk a kicker by informing the host before throwing any pitches. A Pitcher is not required to throw any pitches to intentionally walk a kicker. This can only be done ONCE per game.
// Fouls
- Any bunt or kick that lands in foul territory outside of the Catcher’s Zone.
- “Bunt Line” or “Line of Encroachment”: Any kick that lands in the no-bunt area and does not travel in fair territory beyond the line of encroachment.
- Any kick during which the kicker steps fully in front of Home Plate.
- Double Kicks: When a kicker contacts the ball 2 or more times during an attempted kick
- Any kick that does not occur below the knee.
- Any legally kicked ball that lands or is touched by a Fielder in foul territory or in the Catcher’s Zone.
// Scoring
- Inning run limit rule: There will be a 6 run limit per inning for innings 1-5.
- Unlimited runs may be scored in the 5th inning or the announced final inning of the game
- Mercy Rule: If there is a twelve (12) run difference at the end of the 4th inning or at the end of any full inning thereafter, the losing team may opt to end the game. If the losing team chooses to continue playing, the game will end exactly when time expires, even if time expires in the middle of an inning.
// Baserunning
- Baserunners may not lead off or steal bases.
- Baserunners may not run more than 4 feet outside of the baseline.
- Baserunners have the right-of-way within the baseline unless a Fielder is making a play on a fair ball in the baseline. In that instance, the Fielder has the right-of-way.
- In rare circumstances, a Baserunner and Fielder in the act of making a play on the ball may collide due to Baserunner/Fielder movement. It is up to the discretion of the Head Referee whether to call the Baserunner out for interference or declare the contact as incidental and allow the play to stand.
- Baserunners may overrun 1st base as long as they continue their run into foul territory. If a Baserunner turns towards 2nd base as if attempting to advance, they are in play and may be tagged out.
- Baserunners may be substituted by players of the same gender if the runner is injured during the play.
- In order to advance on a caught fly ball, Baserunners must ‘tag-up’ on their original base at or subsequent to the Fielder’s first contact with the ball. Failure to tag-up allows the defense to make an out by either tagging the runner with the ball before they return to the original base or by a Fielder in control of the ball touching the original base before the runner returns to it.
- Failure to tag up is not an automatic out. The defense must recognize the failure, and make a play to get the runner out.
- If a Baserunner passes another Baserunner, the passing runner is out.
- If a Baserunner is assisted by any other team member, the runner is out.
- Once the Pitcher has the ball in hand and is near an imaginary 12’ diameter “Pitcher’s Mound” (left up to the host’s discretion), all Baserunners must stop at the base they are running toward unless the Pitcher, subsequent to receiving the ball, attempts to make a play on a runner.
// Pitching
- A Pitcher must pitch the ball from behind the front edge of the pitching strip AND remain completely behind the front edge of the pitching strip after releasing the ball.
- Traditional – A pitched ball must touch the ground at least twice prior to reaching the plate.
- Pitchers must throw the ball by hand in an underhanded manner. Overhand and/or sidearm pitching are not allowed.
- Pitchers may lean or bend towards the ground during their pitching motion, however, their arm must not be at a 45 degree angle or less during this motion.
- Alternate: Pitchers must throw the ball by hand. Underhand, overhand, and/or sidearm pitching are permitted.
- Some League locations may have additional pitching restrictions, listed below.
- Murray Hill Park
- This league is a soft pitching league only. In the eyes of the Umpire, any pitch thrown with too much velocity, curve, or bounce, may be ruled as an illegal pitch, and counted as a ball.
// Catching
- Teams may have only 1 catcher while on defense that stands behind or parallel to the kicker within the Catching Zone
- Catchers may not cross in front of the kicker nor be positioned outside the Catcher’s Zone until the ball is kicked.
- If the Catcher impedes the kicker intentionally or unintentionally, the Kicker will be awarded 1st base and any runners advance if forced.
- If, in the Hosts opinion, the Kicker makes an unnatural move and initiates contact in an attempt to draw a Catcher Interference call, the Kicker shall be called out.
// Fielding
- All fielders with the exception of Catcher must be positioned in fair territory.
- No fielder may cross the 1st base/3rd base line until the ball is kicked.
- Fielders may not stand within the baseline unless making an active play on the ball. Interference with a Baserunner results in the runner being awarded the base they were running to.
// Encroachment
- Pitcher’s Encroachment occurs when a pitcher crosses the 1st base/3rd base line before the ball is kicked. The Kicking Team has the option of taking the result of the play or taking a ball in the count.
- Catcher’s Encroachment occurs when the catcher crosses in front of the kicker or is positioned outside the Catcher’s Zone, prior to the ball being kicked. The Kicking Team has the option of taking the result of the play or taking a ball in the count.
- Fielder’s Encroachment occurs when any non-pitcher crosses the 1st base/3rd base line before the ball is kicked. The Kicking Team has the option of taking the result of the play or taking a ball in the count.
// Overthrows
- An Overthrow is considered any attempt at a base or base runner that misses its intended target and goes into foul territory.
- An Overthrow allows a Baserunner to advance up to 1 base beyond the base they were running toward when the ball traveled into foul territory.
- If the defense attempts to make a play on the Baserunner while advancing after an overthrow, all Baserunners may attempt to advance as many bases as they choose. It is up to the hosts discretion as to what constitutes the defense ‘making a play’ on the runner.
- If a ball is thrown at a baserunner and contacts that runner while not on base and deflects into foul territory, the runner is out and the ball is live. All other Baserunners may attempt to advance as many bases as they choose.
- If an overthrown ball becomes trapped in any object or a Fielder faces an impediment in getting to the ball, the hosts may, for player safety, enforce an Overthrow without allowing the defense to attempt a play.
// Dead Ball Plays
- If a Baserunner intentionally touches the ball, the runner is out, the play is dead, and any other Baserunners must return to the base they were on at the beginning of the play.
- If a fair ball becomes trapped in any object or a Fielder faces an impediment in getting to the ball, the runner shall be awarded a ground-rule double, and all other Baserunners may advance 2 bases beyond the base they began the play on.
- Any play where a potentially serious injury occurs, play will be stopped by the Head Referee immediately.
// Officials
- We know umpires/referees are essential to a kickball game. Each of our leagues vary on required reffing, so be sure to check the league information provided on our website.
First and foremost, all Fray leagues are 50% Social and 50% Sport. While we have staff // officials, we expect individuals to respect the league’s culture of fair and fun play. Foul language and rough play will not be tolerated. Individuals who cannot adhere to our standards of fair play and sportsmanship may be asked to leave the league. We want everyone to have fun and be social while enjoying a great sport. We will do whatever we can to make sure all players are having fun!
During week 2 of the season, all players will be given JAX Fray shirts for their team that are required to be worn for the duration of the season. Failure to wear the JAX Fray team shirt for a game will result in a player not being able to play in that week’s game. Wearing the designated season’s team shirt will be required during both the regular season and playoffs in order to participate in the game.
Fray is proud to relieve captains of the burden of paying for full teams. We accept individual player payments and allow prepayment for additional players and/or full teams. We are also proud to welcome those who do not have a full team (small groups and free agents) to participate in our league.
Because our mission is to make fun possible, these policies make it easier for people to get involved with and build community through social sports.
All registrations are on a first come, first serve basis. Any roster that does not reach our official size (based on each sport) is eligible to receive free agents and/or small groups. Rosters made up of primarily free agents and/or a collection of small groups may have more players than the standard roster size. This policy is in place to help ensure free agent teams are able to consistently field a team each week.
// Roster Size Chart
Sport |
Promotion Size |
Official Size |
Max Roster Size |
Women Minimum |
Kickball Alternate LGBTQ+ |
14 |
18 |
24 |
0 |
// Teams & Substitutions
- Traditional: A maximum of 11 players can be on the field (Mixed – 3 players must be women)
- Teams must have the required 8 players to start the game (Mixed – 2 players must be women).
- Substitute players (players not on the roster) may be used at any time in the regular season. Substitutes are NOT permitted during playoffs.
- All substitutes must be a registered player on another team and/or in another Fray league that is currently in play.
- A substitute player may not pitch, play as catcher, or be the “rusher” on the encroachment line. It must be a registered player from your team that plays all 3 positions.
- Teams have until 10 minutes past the designated start time to field the minimum number of players. The 10 minute grace period is considered part of the overall game time. If a team is unable to reach the minimum number of players, the game will be deemed a forfeit.
- Teams may play a “legal game” with less than the required minimum number of players with the opposing team’s consent. Teams who agree to play under these conditions will lose the option of receiving a forfeit win and the outcome of the game will stand as is. Teams must notify the Host before the start of the game.
- Teams may not use the grace period if they have the minimum number of players present in order for more players to arrive.
- Teams must designate a captain prior to the start of the game. They are the only team member allowed to discuss calls with officials. Judgement calls by an official may not be disputed.
// Field Set Up, Equipment, Uniforms & Facility Use
- The field will consist of a diamond of equal sides. Bases are placed 55 ft. apart. The pitching strip is placed in the center of the diamond directly in line with 1st-3rd base and home-2nd base, or 42.42 ft from home plate. The Kicker’s Box is a 12 ft. by 12 ft. square. Home plate should be in the middle of the top boundary line of the box.
- Safety bases are used to prevent collisions between baserunners and fielders.
- First base: A safety base at first base will always be used such that 1 base is in fair territory and 1 base is in foul territory. The base in fair territory is for the fielder and runner already on 1st base. The base in foul territory is for the kicker to run to.
- All equipment will be provided on site.
- All players must wear the official JAX Fray division shirt to play.
- Metal cleats are not permitted.
- If an individual or team violates the facility’s Code of Conduct, they may be asked to leave and a refund will not be issued.
// Playoffs & Standings and OT Rules
- Playoffs are determined after the regular season has concluded and are based on scheduling and other league logistics. Playoffs are not guaranteed.
- Standings are automatically sorted in Commish based on teams’ Win-Loss-Tie record. If there is a tie in the standings, we sort based on the following information in order until the tie is resolved:
- Head-to-head matchups
- Score differential
- Points For
- Points Against
- Coin Flip
- Overtime Rules will be as follows:
- 1st OT: The last kicker will go to second base, and the kicking team will start with one (1) out.
- 2nd OT: Will follow the rules of 1st OT
- 3rd & subsequent OTs: Last kicker will go to second base, the team will start with one (1) out, and the pitcher will follow the one pitch rule:
- Each batter gets 1 pitch. Foul Ball = Out / Strike = Out / Ball = Base / Kicked ball = outcome of play
// Forfeits
- Teams have until 10 minutes past the designated start time to field the minimum number of players. The 10 minute grace period is considered part of the overall game time. If a team is unable to reach the minimum number of players, the game will be deemed a forfeit.
- First Forfeit – Loss of game and warning issued
- Second Forfeit – Loss of game and Fray reserves the right to remove the team from the playoffs.
- Third Forfeit – Loss of game and removal from the league with no refund
- In the case of a forfeit, the final score is recorded as 5-0.
// Weather Cancellations
- One week is built into the end of each season
- All players will be notified via email if games are canceled
- If more than one weather cancellation occurs, Fray will try to find another week if possible to make up the games, but it is not guaranteed.
- Should inclement weather or other factors limit the normal scheduled game duration and more than half the game has been played, the game shall count as full. If a game does not make it to the full 3 innings, it will be deemed incomplete, the game will reset to the first inning and rescheduled.